Leading VoiceXML Vendors Tellme and BeVocal Go Public in 2005?
The San Jose Business Journal quotes Ms. Marci Gottlieb on the IPO subject:
"We have no plans to go public now. That's the party line, But if the market conditions are right and Tellme has a use for the money, it may go public."
According to the bizjournal article, Steve Tran, one of BeVocal's founders responded to the IPO question with essentially the same answer. Another interesting data point from Mr. Tran is his claim that BeVocal clients prevent 50%-80% of their calls going to live operators. That's a bit higher than the 15%-30% numbers the article quotes for traditional IVR premise solutions.
Evidently BeVocal's recent $10M round of additional venture capital has been provoking the IPO rumors.
Read the San Jose Business Journal article.
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